
The courses available for the regular courses, elective courses, and training courses of the Science Communicator Training Program differ for each course. The overview is as follows.

Lecture (Common to regular courses and elective courses)

Lectures are compulsory subjects for both regular and elective courses. It consists of 27 systematic lectures on science and technology communication, divided into 3 ~ 5 lectures on specific themes, and consists of 6 modules.

In principle, it opens at 13: 00 ~ 14: 30 on Saturday.

We will combine face-to-face lectures in the lecture room with online lectures using Zoom.

You can also take on-demand lectures that deliver recorded lectures at a later date.

In addition to the 27 lectures mentioned above, classes that complement the content of the previous year’s lectures will be delivered via e-learning. Students are free to watch them.

You can also view parts of a lecture archive from the past.

regular course exercise

The regular course practice is a compulsory subject in the regular course. Our dedicated staff will directly teach you the knowledge and skills you need to work as a science and technology communicator, including interviews, science writing, presentations, graphic design, data representation and debates.

In principle, it opens at 18: 30 -20: 00 on Wednesday.

As a general rule, you need to take the exercises in face-to-face classes or online classes at Hokkaido University’s Sapporo Campus.

Students in selected courses can take some of the regular course exercises.

Seminar on selective courses (Selected courses only)

Seminars for elective courses are compulsory subjects for elective courses. Select one of the two exercises, A and B. In Exercise A, students will focus on “Planning and management of science events” while in Exercise B, they will focus on “Science writing”.

Both classes will be held at Hokkaido University’s Sapporo Campus or online for three days.

Exercise A will be held in late August and Exercise B in early October.

Lab (Regular courses only)

Practical training is a compulsory subject in the regular course. Students in the regular course take one of several practical training courses. You can declare the practice you want when you apply. However, depending on the number of applicants, there is a possibility that the framework of the practical training will be changed.

In principle, it opens at 10: 00 ~ 12: 00 on Saturday.

Practical training is generally provided at Hokkaido University Sapporo Campus.
You may work outside of class hours if necessary.

All CoSTEP faculty members will work together as a team centered around the primary faculty member in charge.

Practical activities and research (advanced course only)

Practical activities and research are compulsory subjects in the advanced course. Students who have taken CoSTEP lectures, exercises, and practical training will conduct practical activities and research in accordance with the activity plan submitted for application, with the support of their academic advisors, and compile the results into reports and papers.