Pioneering the Future

There are so many wonders around us. Why do the seasons come and go? How were the mountains and oceans formed? How do living things live? Why do we dream? Through careful observation and experimentation with tools, we are able to clarify many things and answer these questions. This is the work of science. We use these scientific results to make our lives more convenient. That is technology.

Science and technology have made our lives more convenient and prosperous. However, there are still many major problems that remain on our planet, such as climate change, energy crisis, poverty and hunger, economic and educational disparities, and environmental destruction.

We will share our ideas and values with you through deepening our thinking together. In this way, we will open the door to create new values and knowledge about science and technology.

Through the above, our goal is to realize a society in which all people around the world, and future generations, can live healthy lives and choose their own future without discrimination or harm.

What is CoSTEP?

CoSTEP(Communication in Science & Technology Education & Research Program)in Hokkaido University, Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education, Center for Open Education, is an organization for education, practice, and research in science communication.

CoSTEP will organically link education, research, and practice of science communication, collaborate with institutions inside and outside the university, and produce people who are active in science communication.

Science Communication and Science Communicator

Science communication is an activity that: establishes an interactive relationship between science and technology experts and the general public; conveys the significance and enjoyment of learning science; deepens mutual understanding of science and technology and social issues; and contributes to the creation of knowledge and value through collaboration.

Science communicators open the door to connect people with different values in matters of science and technology. Nowadays, they are needed not only in universities and research institutes, but also in all aspects of society.


CoSTEP will contribute to opening the door to science communication and establishing an open community for the creation of knowledge. Through the above, we will create a society that is easy to live in.


CoSTEP will widely convey the “creativity of value” and “fun” of science communication.

Activities of CoSTEP


The Science Communicators Training Program developed by CoSTEP is a unique program that is widely open to society. It not only cooperates with Hokkaido University’s undergraduate and graduate education, but also with the educational activities of organizations inside and outside the university.


Theoretical and practical research by CoSTEP is related to the education of science communication activities. We publish a peer-reviewed journal, Japane Journal of Science Communication, to disseminate the results of our research and to promote exchanges with practitioners and researchers in Japan and abroad.


CoSTEP carries out science communication activities required by society, at Hokkaido University, which has a frontier spirit as its philosophy, and in various regions in Hokkaido.


CoSTEP will actively engage in interactive science communication activities in collaboration with a variety of stakeholders, including researchers at Hokkaido University, research institutions, NPOs, corporations, media, and local communities.